Why use Trademark Planet?

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Ensure exclusivity for your brand in 3 smart moves.

Perhaps you are wondering how to get a trademark: Should you submit your trademark application online yourself on the government site or use Trademark Planet?

Whatever you do, apply for your trademark and protect your brand.

We believe every business should own their own brands.

Imagine the pain and disruption to your business if someone else trademarked your brand…

If only getting a trademark was as simple as buying a domain name! But it’s not. Applying for a trademark can be a complicated and costly process, especially if you don’t get it right the first time.

The problems with applying yourself with the trademark office

It’s a complex, time-consuming process

The government trademark office website is not at all user-friendly. Applying for a trademark online on the trademark office site is a complex 20-step process. You will find that there are multiple pages to navigate, with information, explanations and options in ‘legalese’ that can be more confusing than helpful!

It’s time-consuming, daunting and there is no friendly customer support during or after the application process.

You triple the risk of failure

Statistics from 2020 show that applications filed by brand owners directly with the Trademark Office were 3 times more likely to fail than those filed by trademark professionals.
Over 15% of trademark applications that were filed directly in 2020 were refused, withdrawn or abandoned.

When you apply for your trademark yourself on the government site, if your application isn’t correct, you have to figure out how to fix it yourself, pay a lawyer or accept that you’ve just lost your money.

The Trademark Planet solution

Simplicity, accuracy and success - guaranteed

Thanks to Trademark Planet’s smart technology, created by experienced trademark experts, you can bypass this risky process and complete an accurate and correctly formatted application in 3 steps.

  • Our innovative legal team has built the mind of an attorney into the tech to help you succeed.
  • We’ve cut the red tape and streamlined the process so that business owners like you can protect your brands - in under 5 minutes.
  • And most importantly, we offer affordable trademark application fees with no risk of losing money.

We’re so confident that our system will result in a successful trademark registration that we are offering an unmatched trademark registration success guarantee: you get a trademark registration or all your money back! Yes, a 100% refund, including the official fees.

No one else offers this:

× not the trademark office

× not trademark lawyers

× not other online services

With us, you have nothing to lose! We’re committed to helping our customers successfully register trademarks.

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Ensure exclusivity for your brand in 3 smart moves.


Perhaps you are wondering how to get a trademark: Should you submit your trademark application online yourself on the government site or use Trademark Planet?

Whatever you do, apply for your trademark and protect your brand.

We believe every business should own their own brands.

Imagine the pain and disruption to your business if someone else trademarked your brand…

If only getting a trademark was as simple as buying a domain name! But it’s not. Applying for a trademark can be a complicated and costly process, especially if you don’t get it right the first time.

The problems with applying yourself with the trademark office


It’s a complex, time-consuming process

The government trademark office website is not at all user-friendly. Applying for a trademark online on the trademark office site is a complex 20-step process. You will find that there are multiple pages to navigate, with information, explanations and options in ‘legalese’ that can be more confusing than helpful!

It’s time-consuming, daunting and there is no friendly customer support during or after the application process.

You triple the risk of failure

Statistics from 2020 show that applications filed by brand owners directly with the Trademark Office were 3 times more likely to fail than those filed by trademark professionals.
Over 15% of trademark applications that were filed directly in 2020 were refused, withdrawn or abandoned.

When you apply for your trademark yourself on the government site, if your application isn’t correct, you have to figure out how to fix it yourself, pay a lawyer or accept that you’ve just lost your money.


Simplicity, accuracy and success - guaranteed

Thanks to Trademark Planet’s smart technology, created by experienced trademark experts,  you can bypass this risky process and complete an accurate and correctly formatted application in 3 steps.

  • Our innovative legal team has built the mind of an attorney into the tech to help you succeed.
  • We’ve cut the red tape and streamlined the process so that business owners like you can protect your brands - in under 5 minutes.
  • And most importantly, we offer affordable trademark application fees.

We’re committed to helping our customers successfully register trademarks. 

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Trademark Definition


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